Crafting System Guide
1. New crafting system that enables a hunter to craft jewels and make potions
2. Jewel Crafting is the name of the skill of the hunter that can create items using jewels and consumable items.
3. New Items can be made through crafting system:
a. Wise Jewel
i. Decreases Skill Delay by 1 sec.
ii. Required Items in order: 1 Laktorerium Powder, 1 Diamond, 1 Emerald
b. Elemental Jewel
i. Increases all elemental resistance by 25.
ii. Required Items in order: 1 Laktorerium Powder, 1 Coral, 1 Emerald
c. True Sight Jewel
i. Reveals invisible Hunters
ii. Required Items in order: 3 Locked Seals
d. Pot Block Removal Jewel
i. Removes they negative status “Pot Block”
ii. Required Items in order: 2 Locked Seals, 1 Sapphire
e. Life Steal Jewel
i. Grants user life steal on every hit
ii. Required Items in order: 1 Oriharukon Powder, 1 Diamond, 1 Garnet
f. Shield Jewel
i. Increases HP proportional to DEF [(DEF x 20%) + (User Lv / 2)]
ii. Required Items in order: 1 OriharukonPowder, 1 Garnet, 1 Coral
• Users cannot craft with the wrong combination
• Jewel effects are stackable
• A single buff icon represents all jewel effects
• Duration period of the buffs will be extended to 360 seconds every time now it has changed it last for 1 hr you use any of the jewels
• When Celestial characters change to their soul characters or vice versa, duration of the jewel effects will remain same.
• Success rate calculation: (10% + 1% on every 10 trade skill mastery + 50% after getting the trade last skill)
• Failure will make all the materials disappear
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