Travelling bag
*What is it?
Travelling bag is extra bag to unlock your extra inventory, which contain more 15 slots .which help you to keep extra things to inventory
and also help in war time to keep extra Manapots and Hp pots and 1 k pots and jewels .
How to use it?
To use it we advise to keep the travelling
bag in your inventory, and right click to open it. It got 30 days to expire
from the day use. And after 30 days it expire and items in that inventory
remain can’t keep any items in that inventory when travelling bag expired.
Where we get travelling bag?
Travelling bag exactly got from NPC Nell. It won’t
drop from any other mobs.and it cost 2k W coins in NPC Nell.
I hope this blog help all WYD players ,For any assistance please contact me in game.........